Wednesday, 30 April 2014


The IDC4U Culminating Assignment will have three parts and cover 30% of your mark.

1. Genre Mind Mapping Project (15%) - Due May 16
2. Music History Study Guide (5%) - Due June 4
3. In-Class Exam (10%) - Wed. June 4, 12:15-1:45PM (no late start)

The In-Class Exam will cover the following topics:
- The Elements of Music
- Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic Eras
- Country, Rap and Jazz Genres
- Listening portion - (examples from each genre and questions on the elements as they apply to each)

The Music History Study Guide that you will create will cover all of the information on each musical era and the elements of music as they apply to each. Details to follow.

Mind Map Examples

Here is an example of a Mind Map of Rock, Country, Blues and their intersections
An example of a mind map of Jazz (unverified source)

Another example of a mind map of Rock (unverified source)

Monday, 28 April 2014

Music Genre Mind-Mapping Project

Your task is to create a mind map that explores a genre of music and it's sub-genres from its earliest appearances through to modern day.

Give an example of an artist or group from each sub-genre or off-shoot of your genre with a video or audio example of a song that is representative of the sub-genre.

When finished, you will collaborate with your classmates to see how your genres connect.

Present on your mind map and how each connects to the your classmates' genres.

Presentation Date: May 16, 2014

To begin:

  1. Choose a genre by researching the origins of that genre and the development of the genre over time.  Listen to examples and decide for sure if this genre is right for you.  Choose another genre and repeat process if needed.
  2. Watch the tutorial video and sign-up for a free trial on Popplet.
  3. Begin your mind map with the origins of the genre. Include small amounts of text or "comments" on each "Popplet" that will help you with your presentation later. 
  4. YOU MUST be prepared to differentiate between the sub-genres in your presentation. This is where short bursts of information or comments will assist you in your explanations when presenting.
  5. Start connecting to sub-genres with the name of an artist, a small amount of information, and a video.
  6. Continue until you feel you have explored the genre completely.
  7. Review, edit, review edit, review, edit, practice presentation skills.
  8. Share mind map with your classmates and find connections. 
  9. (Optional but effective: Prepare your presentation with "Presentation Mode".  This will make the presentation like a "Prezi".)
  10. Present on your genre and the intersections with other genres chosen by one other classmate.
 - Standard Presentation Evaluation (eye contact, speaking clearly and slowly, using small notes, demonstrating command of the subject matter)
 - Mind Map will be evaluated on accuracy of information, ability to differentiate between sub-genres, effectiveness of choice of examples and artists, logical flow of mind map, ability to articulate connections between genres of classmates)
Rubric to follow in class.


Welcome to the Jarvis IDC4U Blog
All future assignments will be posted here.